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Something you need to know when using a brush cutter

Time : 2019-03-03 Hits : 1

Our skid steer mower attachment is capable of packing a punch on any job. With its hydraulic motor, supreme cutting width, and durability, it’s one of the best attachments you can have.


However, when it comes to using, operating, and maintaining your skid steer mower and brush cutter, there are a few important steps you don’t want to overlook. If you want to know how to effectively use your machine and maintain it for years to come, we have everything you need to operate your skid steer mower attachment, to the best of its ability.


Before Using your Brush Mower!

Before operating your brush mower, there are a few things you need to do to make sure your attachment will run properly from start to finish.

  • Check the area you are about to mow and clear any hazardous or unusual materials that could harm your attachment – that’s an unnecessary risk that could harm your blades.

  • Check the blades, blade holders, and skid shoes, prior to operating, for any dents or damage.

  • Know and understand the flow rate of your attachment before you get to work, which is typically listed in gallons per minute – high flow mowers can not operate on a standard flow device. You could create accidental damage to your machine, and attachment if you’re using the wrong device.

  • Make sure nothing is blocking your hydraulic flow, so your blades are able to run at maximum speed and efficiency. The standard flow rate is what allows the brush to pass through your cutter, and keeps it free from defects, damage, and scrape ups.

  • See if your attachment is compatible with your skid steer.

How to Use a Skid Steer Brush Cutter Attachment?

Thanks to the open front design, our skid steer brush cutter will be able to cut through the dense brush with ease, and never stop on the job. Once you’ve read your owner’s manual, and understand how to work the device, it’s time to get started operating your skid steer loader.

  • Make sure you have full clearance around you before you start your skid steer.

  • Focus on areas that are easy to access at first, so you have some practice under your belt prior to working those hard to reach places.

  • Begin clearing the target area of your choice

  • Make sure your blades stay below the cab door at all times when you’re using your skid steer.

  • Keep moving your machine in clear, direct pathways, so excessive debris stays away from others on site.

  • Be familiar with the area around you. This way, you can operate something as small as a mini skid steer, to a full-sized heavy-duty piece of machinery without a problem.


Skid Steer Brush Cutter Care Tips

  • In order to keep your attachments good as new, follow these steps every few months to keep your high-quality machine running smoothly.

  • Change your skid shoes and blades when they become worn

  • Grease your machine regularly, so the blade can continue to run efficiently. Change the motor oil as needed